The wider Kumeu-Huapai area was identified as a greenfield area, and subsequently much of the region was included with the Rural Urban Boundary in the Auckland Unitary Plan. A large amount of growth in the area is anticipated over the next 30 years (from 1,400 residents in the 2013 census, to around 25,000). Within the area, it is estimated that there is capacity for around 2,000 to 2,5000 new dwellings to be constructed over the next 5-10 years. As a result, there are a number of opportunities for residential subdivisions, as well as the expansion of existing commercial and industrial areas.
Development in Riverhead, Coatesville, and coastal areas of West Auckland is largely characterised by Rural Production and Countryside Living zones; providing for bush protection and Transferable Rural Site Subdivision (link to blog post) and lower intensity subdivision.