Post Consent Management

Auckland, Orewa, Warkworth, Mangawhai, Whangarei & more

Best practice

Our aim is to deliver top quality design-led solutions. Our senior planning and graphic design team is highly skilled and focused on achieving best practice outcomes for our clients in resource management and planning processes, whatever the scale and nature of the project.

Focused planning

We believe that good planning should always primarily be focused on creating places that allow people to live the way they want to, while at the same time remembering to respect and enhance the environment, and protect valuable resources for future generations.

For confidential & independent advice with no commitment required, call:

Planning our region with pride since 2001

We believe that good planning should create places that allow people to live the way they aspire to, but at the same time respecting and enhancing the environment, and sustainably managing all resources for future generations.
Shane Hartley, Founder & Managing Director
Terra Nova Planning

Post Consent Management

Consent condition review and variations

Conditions are placed on a resource consent when issued, which must be carried out prior to, or in conjunction with, the activity or development subject to the consent.  In addition to standard conditions requiring that the activity is carried out in accordance with the plans and information submitted with the consent application, other conditions may include:

  • Financial contributions
  • Provision of a bond until works are completed
  • Obtaining sign-off, or advising the consent authority upon the completion of a development
  • Entering into a covenant
  • Measuring and monitoring of a consent
  • Timing and installation of physical works

We can review conditions prior to resource consent being granted, to ensure that they are reasonable and achievable. 

Should an aspect of the consented activity or development change (i.e. revised plans), we can also prepare an application under s127 of the Resource Management Act, seeking a variation to a condition.

Management of physical works 

We can provide assistance with project management and implementation of physical works once consent has been granted, such as:

  • Planting
  • Driveway/access formation
  • Services installation


Assistance with subdivision s223 and 224 certificates

Once consent for a subdivision has been approved, s223 and 224c certificates must be obtained from Council.

S223 of the Resource Management Act requires the approval of a survey plan; this is generally more detailed than the subdivision plan submitted with the consent application, and is prepared by a surveyor before being approved by Council.

A S224 certificate is applied for once all consent conditions have been met.  Council Officers will check compliance with the consent conditions, and sign-off on the s224 certificate.

Once s223 and 224 certificates have been obtained, they can be submitted to LINZ. and new Certificates of Titles are issued.